Жизнь в Ibaraki
Ibaraki Prefecture is located in the Kanto region of Japan, and it's capital is Mito City, located near the coast. Ibaraki's population is on an upward trend due to the growth of Tokyo's Metropolitan Area, and many people commute from Ibaraki to Tokyo each day. Kairakuen Garden, in Mito City, is one out of three of Japan's most celebrated gardens, and sees many visitors each year, especially during late February, when more than 150 different types of plum trees blossom. Kashima Shrine, another popular destination, sees around 600,000 New Year pilgrims each year. Natto and watermelons are Ibaraki's most famous produce, and Mito City even has a museum solely devoted to the favorite fermented soybean dish.
Current Weather

15˚ В основном облачно
Feels Like: 15˚ Low: 10˚ High: 19˚
Завтра утром и днем возможен небольшой дождь.
Last Updated: 2022/04/19 16:00
Powered by Dark Skyклимат
Average Annual Temperature
13 ℃
Всего населения
2 905 000
Иностранные резиденты
58 182
Foreigner Births
No. of persons per household
Age of household heads (years old)
525 000
412 390
13 540 000
6 370 000
Total population
2 905 000
Foreign residents
58 182
Foreigner births
Annual crime
47 085
Annual income
6 300 000
Expenditure Detail (MONTHLY - JP YEN)
72 186
Rents for dwelling & land
54 189
Imputed rent
73 812
Fuel, light & water charges
21 957
8 222
4 406
Furniture & household utensils
9 696
Clothing & footwear
12 827
Medical care
10 379
Transportation & communication
60 347
Public transportation
6 504
Private transportation
38 140
17 363
18 483
Culture & recreation
29 033
Иностранные народы
12 499
10 187
6 609
5 870
4 671
4 663
3 457
2 322
1 670
1 450
1 325
1 324
Foreigner Status
Technical Intern Training No. 2 (supervisory)
7 510
Long-term resident
6 526
Technical Intern Training No. 1 (supervisory)
5 915
Study abroad
4 521
Japanese spouse
4 043
Family stay
3 870
Technology · Humanities · International work
2 906
Specific activity
2 844
Special permanent resident
2 281
Spouse of permanent resident
Technical skill
All data shown has been published by The Japanese Meteorological Agency and The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Information provided by City-Cost is for educational purposes and we hope the data posted here helps you.
Как подготовиться к тестам Эйкена
on июля 10
Сообщества и ресурсы ALT
on июня 19
Гора Цукуба Ибараки кен
on июня 9