Жизнь в Gunma
Gunma Prefecture is a landlocked prefecture located in the Kanto region of Honshu. It's capital, Maebashi, has the second highest population in the prefecture, behind the city of Takasaki, with a population of just over 375,000. Proportionally, Gunma Prefecture has the highest percentage of automobiles in Japan, and is the preferred mode of transportation for it's citizens. Much of the land in Gunma Prefecture is mountainous, so many people live in the central and south-eastern regions. Due to it's mountains, some volcanic, there are several popular onsens located in Gumma Prefecture. When visiting Gunma, one can rent a bicycle at a low cost near Maebashi Station. Oizumi and Iseaki have a high Brazilian-Japanese population, and Brazilian supermarkets, clothing stores and restaurants are a common site.
Current Weather

18˚ Переменная облачность
Feels Like: 18˚ Low: 8˚ High: 19˚
Вечером возможен небольшой дождь.
Last Updated: 2022/04/19 16:00
Powered by Dark Skyклимат
Average Annual Temperature
14 ℃
Всего населения
1 967 000
Иностранные резиденты
50 220
Foreigner Births
No. of persons per household
Age of household heads (years old)
482 500
382 964
16 970 000
5 210 000
Total population
1 967 000
Foreign residents
50 220
Foreigner births
Annual crime
23 503
Annual income
5 790 000
Expenditure Detail (MONTHLY - JP YEN)
71 572
Rents for dwelling & land
49 535
Imputed rent
75 814
Fuel, light & water charges
19 658
7 852
4 419
Furniture & household utensils
10 765
Clothing & footwear
12 586
Medical care
11 695
Transportation & communication
56 287
Public transportation
3 863
Private transportation
31 968
15 904
14 319
Culture & recreation
28 389
Иностранные народы
12 628
8 036
7 627
7 264
4 767
3 051
2 550
1 757
1 021
Foreigner Status
Long-term resident
8 773
Technical Intern Training No. 2 (supervisory)
4 017
Technical Intern Training No. 1 (supervisory)
3 945
Japanese spouse
3 440
Technology · Humanities · International work
3 323
Specific activity
3 195
Study abroad
2 984
Family stay
2 725
Special permanent resident
1 531
Spouse of permanent resident
1 142
Technical skill
All data shown has been published by The Japanese Meteorological Agency and The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Information provided by City-Cost is for educational purposes and we hope the data posted here helps you.
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