
Sep 23, 2024

Shortcake on shortcake day?

The 22nd of every month is 'Shortcake day'. Shortcake in Japan is a sponge cake with a layer of cream and strawberries in the center and topped with even more cream and strawberries. Having a '(strawberry) shortcake day' monthly in Japan is a great incentive to treat yourself once a month! But more than that, this is one of my favorite 'day of' because of the reason behind the date:

Shortcake Day

In order to explain shortcake day I need to introduce another monthly anniversary or 'day of' in Japan. In Japan, the 15th of every month is 'Strawberry Day'. The reason is because the date can be read 'ichi (1) go (5)' and ichigo is the Japanese for strawberry. When you look at a standard monthly calendar what date is below the 15th, strawberry day? Yes, the 22nd. So they thought it would make a good day for a celebration of shortcake - with a strawberry on top! 

The anniversary was registered by Cowbell, a western sweets manufacturer headquartered in Sendai, Miyagi in 2007. But several other confectionary shops also have specials in celebration of Shortcake Day on the 22nd of the month. For example, Ginza Cozy Corner offers a 10% discount not just on Strawberry Shortcake on the 22nd of every month, but other sweets too.

There are several other 'cake' days in a year too. January 6th is ``Cake Day,'' June 6th is ``Roll Cake Day,'' and July 12th is ``Decorated Cake Day''. In addition, the 6th of every month is ``Cake Day", while the 8th of every month is ``Whole Cake Day'', and the 10th of every month is ``Pancake Day''!

Serendipitously, my family and I did have strawberry shortcake yesterday, on the 22nd of the month! Do you ever indulge in shortcake on the 22nd of the month?

Shortcake on shortcake day? photo



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com