

Questions about life in Japan answered by those who live it

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9 Answers

YouTube channels for life in Japan?

Recently ToneToEdo put me on to JapaneseCooking101 on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@JapaneseCooking101) where you can find a variety of easy to follow recipe tutorials for a myriad of eats. I was wondering if anyone knew of other useful "life in Japan" style YouTube channels. It doesn't have to be cooking, anything that helps you out with day-to-day stuff here would be great to know about!


on Dec 4

On Going

15 Answers

Any idea for snowboard destination?

What's the best ski resort in Japan that is accessible by bus or train? I have been to Nagano. Any other recommendations?


on Jan 3

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1 Answer

Quality Japan content Tiktok?

I have succumbed to Tiktok...Forgive me. When I first started engaging with Tiktok Lite, a lot of Japanese content was pushed to me by the algorythm. Some good, some junk. My favorite right now is こねこフィルム/ CONECO FILM, a producer of shorts that are absurd, funny, and touching. Have you found some excpeptional Japanese content on Tiktok? Especially content that provides you with Japanese listening comprehension, cultural insights, or off-the-beaten-path travel destinations?


18 hours ago

13 Answers

Where is a good place to visit during spring break in Japan?

How can I make the most of my spring break?

1 Answer

Best places for One Piece merch/things to do?

My son has recently become very interested in all things One Piece, and I was wondering if any of you know some fun places to check out for merchandise or One Piece events/activities. I know there used to be the thing at Tokyo Tower, but that has since closed. Any tips would be appreciated!


on Mar 13

9 Answers

What are you doing without?

Ever heard of the saying "Use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without"? I feel like it's ever-appropriate these days. Are there things that you're trying (or having) to do without, given the cost of living increases? I haven't bought new clothes in quite a while, and I feel like when we first moved here that was something I often did, almost like a hobby. These days I might not be the trendiest, but I use the clothes I have, and I guess I'm more comfortable in my style.


on Mar 12

8 Answers

Every year, some years, one and done? How often do you visit local festivals?

One of our biggest annual festivals took place in the last week, and it got me thinking -- with your local area's annual festivals, do you go every year, some years, or check it out once and don't make a repeat appearance? I'd say it's a mixed bag for me: there are some I love going to each year, some that I go to every few years (e.g. if the weather really sucks I'll skip it), and some that I've been to once and didn't find the need to revisit. How about you?


on Mar 6

5 Answers

Tips and Tricks for City-Cost images

Are you like me, relying on a mobile device for your photography? I shoot with an iPad Mini 4, now a vintage item! I can't update it to the latest version of iPadOS, but I still get a lot of use out of it. How do you shoot your photos? What photo apps or processing do you use? Have you got tips or tricks on how to shoot or edit the photos you use in blogs?


on Mar 1

7 Answers

Family, friends -- how often (if at all) do they visit you here?

I'm from Australia originally, and I'm fortunate that we have budget airline carriers that fly direct to Japan, so it's relatively easy and not too expensive for family and friends to visit me here. How difficult is it for your loved ones from home to visit you here? Have you had many opportunities to show people around, or has it been fairly slim pickings in the visitors stakes for you?


on Feb 26

6 Answers

Entrance ceremony clothes

Soon my kid will have his entrance ceremony at school, and I'm looking for those typical Japanese style ceremony clothes for myself. I'm 1.80m, not so skinny woman, which has huge problems to even find normal clothes in Japan. Does anybody have the same problem and might have any advice, where to get those ceremony clothes in a taller size?


on Feb 17

4 Answers

Places you recommend in your prefecture

Which places of scenic beauty, historic importance, and modernization do you recommend to visitors to your prefecture? I'm not asking for the "top 10" popularly promoted, but your reccos. Maybe places that visitors from abroad and foreign residents aren't aware of.


on Feb 11

5 Answers

Making bread, no oven

Do you make bread without a full-fledged oven? How do you do it? What kinds of breada do you recommend to a noob baker without an oven? I have a cheapo toaster oven and a frying pan with a lid and would like to have a go at making yeast breads.


on Feb 10

7 Answers

What are your recommendations for Furusato Nozei?

This was our first time receiving Furusato Nozei gifts. We placed orders for fresh fruits since they tend to be quite expensive here in Tokyo so we don't tend to buy them often during our regular grocery shopping. Over the years what has been your best experiences while receiving the Furusato Nozei gifts and what are your recommendations?


on Jan 18

3 Answers

City-Cost feature posts you recommend reading

When I click on the Blog link, I see four "Pick Up" articles, one of them mine, that are a little stale... Which posts in the last 3 months or so are insightful, current, interesting, or helpful? What would you like to see in the "Pick Up"?


on Jan 18