Sep 4, 2024
Japanese postboxes photo collection!
Gallery - Japanese postboxes
Confession: I have a bit of thing for Japanese postboxes! So much so, that I take part in a weekly postbox photo share every Saturday on Twitter! I particularly like the old style postboxes. I am not entirely sure how it started, but visiting the colorful postboxes pictured in the featured photo, definitely increased my interest in them. With the result I have ended up with quite a collection of postbox photos over the years. Unfortunately I am not a photographer, but here's some of my favorite postbox photos in a gallery. All of these ones were taken in Saitama Prefecture, the featured photo in Ogose (here). With the exception of the featured photo, they were all taken this year!
Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: