
Jul 16, 2024

Bad photography manners: commenter blames the foreigners

Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine made an appeal on their social media accounts today for people to respect the sanctity of the precincts, following several incidences of 'bad photography manners'. I happened to see the posts just after they were posted and some people were quick to comment. The first comment I read, blamed the foreign tourists. 


Bad photography manners: commenter blames the foreigners photo

What got me about the person instinctively blaming the foreign tourists is that the shrine's message had specifically mentioned the overuse of steps / step ladders. The first thought that came to my mind when I read the shrine's post was "Who on earth brings a step ladder to a shrine!?" Then my next thought after reading the comments was "How many foreign tourists do you know that pack a step ladder in their luggage!?" I don't think I've ever seen a foreigner use a step / step ladder at a shrine or temple. The only people I have ever seen using a step or step ladder at a shrine or temple are natives. 

For the record, the message from the shrine I think is mostly aimed at professional photographers. Going forward, professional photographers will need to get special permission from the shrine to take commercial photos. I have seen several other places that have the same conditions, and many more that have banned the use of tripods for all, due to bad photography manners. Personally, I think it is a fair move and wouldn't mind seeing even more places follow suit! What do you think? And, I am curious; have you ever seen a foreigner bring a step or step ladder to a shrine or temple!?



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com


  • genkidesu

    on Jul 17

    I think all of the recent reporting in the media about tourists behaving badly at some places makes it easy for people to target foreigners – a tale as old as time to blame an outsider. Don't get me wrong, I think there are absolutely instances here of foreigners causing issues, but it doesn't sound like they're the problem in this case. I chuckled at the idea of a traveler just packing a step ladder into their baggage for the perfect Instagram shot...highly unlikely! The only time I've ever seen people use step ladders were local Japanese around the Yokota Air Base fences trying to get the best pictures of the planes!

  • BigfamJapan

    on Jul 18

    @genkidesu me too - I was laughing to myself at the thought of someone packing a ladder in their luggage! The commenter posted within seconds of the post going up, so s/he obviously didn't think it through. I do get it though, I mean the things some tourists do! I see steps far too often here; if its in a wide open space, fair enough, and I understand why people bring them to festivals, although I think it can be quite dangerous to use them in crowded places like that. But in June I saw a photographer with one in a graveyard. It just felt a bit icky!