
Aug 25, 2022

Summer culture: the annual fireworks display

For me, attending a fireworks display is a quintessential Japanese summer custom. Probably because it is not something that we do in summer back home. In my home country of Ireland, fireworks are more associated with New Year's and Saint Patrick's day. However, in Japan, fireworks are very much associated with summer. And there are dozens of firework displays over the summer months each year. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think every prefecture in Japan has some sort of fireworks display annually. I know in Saitama and the Kanto plain there is a great choice of fireworks each year. But due to the pandemic, most have been cancelled the last three years. However, despite the ever increasing cases of Covid-19, there has actually been an unexpected amount of fireworks confirmed this month (August 2022). 

Most of the July and early August fireworks were cancelled, but for some reason in the last two weeks, several municipalities have unexpectedly decided to have firework displays. A lot of them were / are last minute decisions too, despite the preparation that goes into a fireworks festival. Between Obon and the end of August there have / will be at least a dozen firework displays in Saitama Prefecture.

Summer culture: the annual fireworks display photo 

One of the first to announce they would have a fireworks display this year despite the pandemic was Kawagoe City. They released tentative information in May and by the end of July they had full information available. However, due to the pandemic, you needed to buy a ticket, to see them at the main venue, in advance for the first time ever. Tickets sold out within hours.

Summer culture: the annual fireworks display photo

Thankfully as I live near Kawagoe and have attended these fireworks in the past, I knew where we could watch them near the venue without crowds. So on Saturday (the 20th of August) myself and my family went to see summer fireworks for the first time in three years. It was absolutely magical, despite constant rain and uncharacteristically (but very welcome) cooler temperatures.  Moreover, there were hundreds of people congregated to watch the fireworks close to our secret spot. It added a great atmosphere. 

On the same night as the Kawagoe fireworks there were also fireworks in Ina Town, beside Saitama City. The following night there was a fireworks in Koshigaya City. This is to name, but a few that have or are taking place this month. And in the case of Kawagoe, Koshigaya and Ina they were large fireworks, not the small 5 minute surprise fireworks of the last two years. In Kawagoe, they launched approximately 10,000 fireworks and the show lasted about 90 minutes. 

Have you or will you see any fireworks this summer? 



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com