
Feb 22, 2025

"Neko no Hi" aka Cat Day!

Today, and February 22nd annually, is "Neko no Hi" or Cat Day! The date comes from a pun on the sound of a cat's cry: "Nyan (2) Nyan (2) Nyan (2)" (meow meow meow in English)! The date was selected through an open call for suggestions. Out of 9,000 applications, around 30% suggested February 22nd, to mimic the sound of cats. The date was registered in 1987 by the Cat Day Executive Committee, which is made up of academics and cultural figures who love cats, in cooperation with the Pet Food Association.

Various cat themed events are held around the country on for Cat Day. In my own prefecture (Saitama), Sakitama shrine is a popular spot on Cat Day, because they sell limited edition Cat Goshuin. A goshuin is the seal or stamp of the shrine. An NHK news report at 7 pm today, showed dozens of people lined up at the shrine's office to pick up a limited edition Cat Day shrine stamp. 

"Neko no Hi" aka Cat Day! photo

This shrine, which is located in Gyoda City, also has cat shaped prayer plaques, which are called 'Ema' in Japanese. I don't have a photo of the limited edition shrine stamp, but I took this photo of the cat shaped prayer plaques at the shrine a few years ago.

Do you do anything special for "Neko no Hi" / Cat Day?



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com

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