Jan 22, 2025
Prayers for success
Many people around Japan attend shrines and temples at this time of year to pray for their or someone in their family's success in an entrance examinations. It is currently entrance exam season in Japan. Some shrines and temples are more famous than others for bestowing good fortune in examinations.
Yesterday while walking around Kawagoe I noticed that some of the shrines and temples had flags up advertising the shrine / temple's suitability for praying for success. It is the first time I have noticed flags specifically targeting prayers for success. Probably because it is the first year one of my children is taking an entrance examination!
The flag in this photo is at Miyoshino Shrine in Kawagoe, which is dedicated to the brain. It is known locally for its benevolence in school tests and in achievement of school work. Therefore local people do pray here before school exams, but the shrine's is rarely busy. Possibly because it is mainly an unmanned shrine; you can't buy amulets or prayer votives here except on a very rare occasion. However, Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine does sell the prayer votives for this shrine.
Have you seen any temples or shrines promoting "prayers for success"? Are there any temples or shrines in your area renowned for bestowing good fortune in exams?
Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com
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