
Jul 16, 2024

Daily Covid reporting again

I've noticed the last week that most of the TV channels are reporting on Covid again daily. I do not watch the Japanese news every day, so I don't know for sure, but it feels like its the first time this year that they are reporting on Covid daily. They aren't reporting the numbers of cases each day, but rather the number of national averages and the weekly rate of increase. Supposedly this is the 9th week in a row that the national average of patients has increased.

Daily Covid reporting again photo

The good news is that they don't seem particularly concerned about the virulence of the strain. But it would seem that it is the most contagious strain this year. Furthermore, they are also seem quite concerned that Hand, Foot and Mouth disease and Strep Throat are circulating at the same time. Particularly as both are effecting adults more than normal. 

My son caught Covid at the end of May and by the start of June my eldest daughter and I had also caught it. This time, we did nothing in particular to prevent spread. All six of us had it two years ago and we got it one after another with the result we lost a whole month to isolation. Therefore this time we were of the mind that we were better off all getting it at the same time, not back to back like the last time. So this time we ate dinner together and shared bathrooms and bedrooms.  But yet neither my husband nor my other daughters ever caught it. Or if they did, they had not symptoms.

For what its worth, this time I wasn't as sick as the first time with it. I did have a very high temperature again, of 41 degrees, that didn't come with medication. That lasted for about six to eight hours. But eventually when the fever broke I was okay as I didn't really have any other symptoms except for restlessness. I wasn't about to run a marathon or anything, but I wasn't confined to bed like the last time. Just half a day in a bed and then a couple of days of taking it easy. 

Have you had Covid recently? Did you find it worse than the first / other times you had it?



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com