
Jul 25, 2024

The summer 'must do' list: go to an aqua park

During the pandemic, between 2020 and 2022, the vast majority of outdoor pools and aqua parks were closed in Japan. In Saitama Prefecture, where we live, we found one pool in 2020 that was open. At a hotel. Thankfully it welcomed non guests of the hotel to use the facilities and we ended up going there at least once a week during the pandemic.

The summer 'must do' list: go to an aqua park photo

Most of the seasonal outdoor pools and aqua parks reopened in 2023. However, we continued to go to the hotel for its pool, even though its a lot smaller. Furthermore, its a lot more basic  than an aqua park with just one pool and no sliders.  But I find a visit to the hotel pool a lot more relaxing than an aqua park. One of the reasons is because there are far less people due to the hiked prices. What I pay for one adult to enter the hotel pool is almost the same price as what I pay for all six of us (two adults, four children) into the local aqua park! But we had become accustomed to it, so we still go to the hotel pool most often.

However...! The kids put "go to an aqua park" on their 'must do' lists for this summer, as was the case before the pandemic too. So today I braced an outing to Kawagoe Aqua (Water) Park. I do like Kawagoe water park, but there are several things I don't like about it! My biggest complaint is that you have to walk too far to the parking lot. Which is fine on the way in, but on the way home after hours in the sun and water I'd rather not have to walk a kilometer back to the car!

The other thing I don't like about Kawagoe Water park is the crowds. Even on a Thursday morning with a weather forecast of 32 degrees, cloudy with guerilla rain, the park was very busy. As it turns out the weather forecast was completely wrong! It was sunny the whole day and temperatures reached 38 degrees! Which quickly reminded me of another thing I don't like about Kawagoe Water Park: there is little to no shade!

All that said, however, there is no denying that Kawagoe Water Park is a really fun day out! There is great choice with different types of pools and sliders. I totally understand why the kids put it on their 'must do' summer list! Is it on your 'must do' list?



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com