
Oct 25, 2023

Autumn traditions - Kawagoe Remix

When I first came to Japan, they used to say "Tokyo was the city that never sleeps". Do they still say that? I'm in the boons for so long, I am quite out of touch with Tokyo these days, even though I do venture in to Tokyo every now and then! In recent years, ever since Kawagoe made a move to become a tourist attraction by night rather than just a day time destination, I've been thinking more and more that Kawagoe is now a city that never sleeps too! There is always something going on in Kawagoe. Always!

The bigger events are well known both within and outside of Saitama Prefecture. But some of the events are only known locally. Like the Kawagoe Remix event. However, before the pandemic, it was making strides to become a big event. In 2018 and 2019 they even pedestrianised Ichibangai, the main tourist thoroughfare of the old ware / storehouse district of Kawagoe. That is not something they do everyday. In fact, they only do it a handful of times during the year, namely for the Kawagoe Million Lights festival in summer and the Kawagoe festival in Autumn.

Autumn traditions - Kawagoe Remix photo

However, during the pandemic the Kawagoe Remix became a much smaller event. In 2022 it was so small it barely made any headlines. But this year it was slightly bigger. Not pre pandemic level, but this year it grabbed some attention for the first time in four years. It is an event that my family and I have gone to frequently since it first started. It became somewhat of an Autumn tradition to visit Kawagoe Remix each November, but they then changed the date to September before the pandemic and since last year it is now on in October - on the weekend after the mammoth, hugely famous Kawagoe Festival.

Autumn traditions - Kawagoe Remix photo

This year, Kawagoe Remix was confined to the grounds of Renkeiji Temple only. But it was nicely done with some art installations, light up, food trucks and music. As you can see in the photo above, Kawagoe Remix is a 'fusion of food, sound and Lighting art'. Before the pandemic they had much bigger art installations, many more music performances and several more light up events. Hopefully, next year (2024) it will be on a larger scale again. Regardless, we'll be there to keep up an Autumn tradition! 



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com