
Jul 23, 2024

The summer 'must do' list: get splashed!

The splash factor of an attraction is a 'thing' in Japan. Each year various attractions pitch their venue based on their 'splash factor'. Aquariums in particular. You can read all about the splash factor here on City-cost. Getting splashed is another thing my family and I have on our annual 'must do this summer' list! 

The summer 'must do' list: get splashed! photo

There are different ways to enjoy a splash of water in summer in Japan. But one of our favourites is the splash from a whale (or dolphin) at an aquarium. And its not just us! The summer splash events are so popular that hundreds of people brace the summer heat to head to a large aquarium for a chance to get splashed! In the photo above you can see dozens of people standing pool side eagerly awaiting the beluga whale to create a splash. Moreover, the summer aquarium dolphin and whale shows are designed to create a larger than normal splash so that many of the audience get wet.

In addition, there are various different splash or water festivals on around Japan. In Saitama Prefecture, the splash festival in Tsurugashima was a very popular event before the pandemic. Unfortunately it hasn't been on in five years. But there is another water festival in Saitama Shintoshin (Saitama City) that came back last year, after three years of cancellation due to you know what, and is on again in 2024. It is a water fight festival modelled on the Thai festival of Songkran. Last year some of the malls in Saitama also had a splash or water event for kids. I expect they will be on again this year. These type of splash or water festivals are usually on in August when they are most needed. On a hot, humid day, we welcome any splash of cool water! 



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com