Feb 23, 2025
Colorful lanterns for Hatsuumasai
Hatsuumasai is a spiritual celebration of Inari shrines. As such, Hatsuuma festivals are celebrated at Inari shrines around the country. The date is the "first day of the horse" in February (by the lunar calendar) annually. Although by the solar calendar it would have been March most often, as the second month. The reason they don't use the first day of the horse of the year, which would fall in January, is because February is more important in the Inari shrine's history.
The Okami-sama (God) of the Inari shrines is Uka-no-mitama-no-kami. It is said that Uka no Mitama no Kami descended to Mt. Inari on the first Horse Day of the second month, in the year 711. Thus all the Inari Shrines celebrate on the first Horse Day in the second month of the year. If they celebrate by the lunar calendar it is February, and March by the solar calendar. This year, shrines that go by the lunar calendar celebrated on February 6th.
There is an Inari shrine on the grounds of Naritasan Kawagoe Betsuin Hongyoin Temple. Each year they have an Hatsuumasai. It is quite a short and basic religious ritual, but they dress the shrine up for the occasion. Last year they had a few lanterns up around the shrine for the occasion. But this year, they had dozens and they were really colorful. It was a really beautiful display.
Have you ever been to an Hatsuumasai or ritual?
Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com