
Nov 28, 2022

Japanese gov’t eyes linking My Number card to event ticket sales

Japanese gov’t eyes linking My Number card to event ticket sales photo

The Japanese government is considering the possibility of linking My Number identification cards to the purchase of tickets for professional sporting events and concerts among other private sector services, according to a government spokesperson.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said Monday that discussions with relevant organizations were underway to examine cases in which the benefits of holding a My Number social security and tax identification card can be applied to services in the private sector. 

“Discussions are also taking place with related organizations regarding the use of the My Number card in ticket sales and admission to venues,” Matsuno said.

Linking the identification cards to the sale of event tickets is being eyed as a way to clamp down on the resale of tickets by third parties at high prices, possibly by confirming the identity of the buyer at the time of purchase and at the time of admission to the venue.  

My Number cards come with a digital certification which can be used to confirm the identity of the card holder during online applications and processes.

Currently, eventgoers in Japan can purchase tickets online and then collect paper tickets from convenience stores for admission into venues. Through the use of the My Number card, the event goer’s identification can be verified and third parties possibly prevented from entering the venue.

Digital minister Taro Kono has instructed the Digital Agency to begin discussions with professional sports and other related organizations and a trial is underway to determine whether My Number cards can be used in ticket sales, according to reports.

Considerations of the My Number card for use within the private sector come as the government continues to press on with its efforts to increase the number of applications for the controversial identification card.

“After listening to the opinions of business operators we would like to expand the use of the My Number card with the view to creating a secure and convenient digital economy,” Matsuno said.

In October authorities extended the application deadline to apply for a My Number card in order to qualify for Mynapoint, a campaign aimed at encouraging new card applications by offering the chance for card holders to get up to 20,000 yen in points to use for cashless shopping.

My Number cards are set to replace, in principal, paper health insurance cards by the fall of 2024. Plans are also being put in place to incorporate driver’s licenses into the My Number system.  

The government aims to have almost all residents obtain their My Number card by March 2023. As of the end of October, 51.1 percent of the population was in possession of the identification card, according to communications ministry data.


[VIDEO] What's next for 20000 MYNAPOINT and MY NUMBER CARD holders?



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