As with many other expats in Japan, I happen to live in here because
of my job. While my normal daily routine involves going to work and
returning to the house for a daily walk around the neighborhood and
sometimes a visit to the restaurants nearby. It's a pretty simple life
for a simple man like myself, but it's what I do during the weekends
that garners the most interest. However, since this is an article for my
daily life I will discuss my weekly routine in Japan and we might the
secrets of the man who created the newly christened International Association
for Fancy Tea Parties.

I am Dash The Bomber founder and creator
of The International Association for Fancy Tea Parties. I am a regular
man whose day starts at 5am in order to catch a bus to work which is the
cheapest way to travel to work. I live in Zushi by Ikego Hills near the
Jimmuji Train Station. The bus leaves stops near my home at 5:25 and
that gives me 20 minutes to prepare and be at the bus stop. The drive is
30 minutes to my job, and once at work I'm there for about 9 hours.
Returning to my house is usually a different story, I exit the work
place and walk the streets of Yokosuka stopping by at the nearby
confectionery or even the local "Vie de France" which is about 10
minutes away. After this, I quickly head on over to the local Mikasa
Mall to see what items are on sale and window shop while walking the
long hallway that takes me nearby to the Yokosuka Chuo Train Station
from which I catch an express train to Kanazawa and later Jimmuji.
the sights from Yokosuka makes you feel like you're truly in the city.
Which is why I'm happy to live in Zushi since it's more remote and laid
back and feels like you're actually in Japan. I have hiked beautiful trails and explored ancient remnants of a war that has long since ended. By virtue of venturing in locations which are remote. I have even see the carvings of generations past in the walls of a mountain by taking a road less traveled. I also managed to find a shrine just before the top of the big Buddha statue that was at the top of the trail! But, this is only part of my daily life since the weekend is definitely where it is at and as a leader of troupe of fashionistas and cosplayers plus the added fact that I am a dad my life can get very interesting.

You see I love doing new and exciting things in here and there are a lot of new experiences you can enjoy while living your daily life. I for example love taking my son out to Cosmo World in Yokohama during the weekends. He and I love the Ferris Wheel and also the Pokemon Center store which happen to be in extremely close proximity. Sometimes we even sneak off to the arcades and win some of the plush kittens from Neko Atsume at the arcades! We spend this time together and my wife can have her own time to be herself. During Saturday and Sunday anything goes for us.

You see during those two days is when I organize events from the group to promote ourselves out in Japan. The International association for Fancy Tea Parties goes out around different parts of Tokyo to promote cheer and good spirits for all. My group has done all sorts of things from visited cat café's to fashion shoots and we always do it for fun! I have incorporated them into part of my daily routines, I almost never do anything without the group at this point. There is actually a really good reason for this too. You see in Japan a grand majority of the people who dress up for events are women, and I truly love being surrounded by beautiful ones.

Whether it be at Cosplay Studio Crown or Kyu-Iwasaki-Tei Garden or even parading the streets of Akihabara. I am constantly surrounded by these beautiful ladies. They make my life special as a regular guy. My wife is featured prominently next to me clad in all black, But, my daily activities also involve actual cosplay models such as the beautiful Naomi and the exotic belly-dancing Sandra! But, it's not just girls we also have guys in my group who are exceptional people. During these two days of my week I like living them to the fullest and I make sure to do everything and anything that I can within one day.
I know this might seem like a lot to do in one day and nearly impossible for one man to achieve, but I wake up everyday even on the weekends at 6 in the morning. I take advantage of every minute I can to do something and to organize these events takes a lot of effort in my part. Japan is a huge playground for those who have the imagination to take advantage of it, and I like to fancy myself one of those people. However, if you don't feel like starting your own organization, then come find us and we will welcome you to the world of tea parties and steampunk.

I welcome everyone to join The International Association for Fancy Tea Parties in Facebook. The group can be found here:
You can also communicate with me directly through this website. I will be gone for a little bit, but there will be a new leader in the group ensuring that we stay alive and strong during my absence. If you're ever feeling like you want to be fancy in Japan come and find us! We welcome everyone from all corners of the world!