
Mar 16, 2016

Burger's Base The Most Amazingly Succulent Deliciousness Packed Between Two Buns!

Burger's Base The Most Amazingly Succulent Deliciousness Packed Between Two Buns! photo
While exploring Harajuku the other day with 2 members of The U.S. Association for Fancy Tea Parties we reached a point when we were all starving. Now, this was no ordinary hunger, this was advanced hunger! Mostly because we were all famished and didn't feel like eating Ramen, Noodles, Sushi, or any of the other great foods that Japan had to offer, thus we kept passing restaurants.

As a group, we had agreed that when we found the spot we wanted to eat in, a shining beacon of light would point us in the right direction and suddenly...we would all know where we wanted to partake in delicious food. Just before we reached an overpass for the Shinkansen there it was in all of its glory! Burger's Base. Now we had never heard of this place before, but it was simply amazing.
Burger's Base The Most Amazingly Succulent Deliciousness Packed Between Two Buns! photo
You see when you eat Burger's Base you don't only partake in a burger and a drink with some fries. No, you actively indulge in a plethora of wonderful smells which are all artery clogging deliciousness. You can watch the young men in the back cook you an amazing treat for a decent price and still eat enough to be full for an entire evening of exploring the park in Harajuku and stores. I came home after eating here and did not even bother asking for dinner! This was my lunch people.

You see the face in that picture above? That is the reaction to the Sasebo Burger a mighty burger that grants you eternal life! My face is the expression you make when a burger is so delicious that you died and went to heaven as you bit into the juicy flowing mouth-watering beef that was carefully placed into the two buns in front of my face!

That is the face that is naturally evoked when, after your first bite, you literally see The Lord All Mighty up in the heavens giving you a high-five as you die and go to heaven while simultaneously resurrecting only to finish this delicatessen that was made in a simple burger joint located HARAMOTHEREFFINJUKU. You don't simply eat at Burger's Base you become a part of it.

This burger has ruined me because I will never be able to face another burger like a man, for it has shown me the light. I was merely a boy when I entered, but when I left, it was as a man.
Burger's Base The Most Amazingly Succulent Deliciousness Packed Between Two Buns! photo
For those of you whose palette is tired of the same old things in Japan I have added the menu because I know you're going to go to Burger's Base it's simply unavoidable. It is your destiny to go visit this spot and partake in history in the making.

I rate Burger Base a 100/100 in delicious and
a Yummy/10 in everything else.

Get there and witness the majestic Burger's Base burger especially my favorite:
The Sasebo Burger!


A 20 something year old sailor with a penchant for deep and silly thoughts. I try to be as honest as possible when writing, and am currently living in Zushi, Japan!


  • JanglishJerry

    on Mar 16

    I feel like the U.S. Association for Fancy Tea Parties is becoming infamous. This is hilarious!

  • DashTheBomber

    on Mar 16

    @JanglishJerry It will become so one day friend!

  • SalarymanJim

    on Mar 16

    @DashTheBomber What's the verdict on the fries? These are a deal-breaker for me.

  • DashTheBomber

    on Mar 16

    Good sir, the fries are succulent and freshly fried they were deicious , but alas we also partook in waffle fries and onion rings that filled our bellies with a thirst for justice @SalarymanJim

  • SalarymanJim

    on Mar 18

    @DashTheBomber Waffle fries?