
Feb 3, 2025

Fighting For My Country...From Far Away

It's hard to watch the current state of affairs in America. Things are getting worse everyday and fascism really does seem to be moving in to stay. 

How do you fight to keep your country safe when you don't live in it anymore? I still have friends and family back home. I still want to back home to feel like back home. I don't know if it ever will again, especially after the things that are happening right now. 

So how do you fight for your country when you're not military and live on the other side of the world? Emails and social media! 

Fighting For My Country...From Far Away photo

If you're an American and you're watching your world back home crumble, I recommend using your last home address back in the States to find the Congress people responsible to you and ask them what exactly Elon Musk is doing with the social security money that he has no right to. Why is someone who wasn't elected to any office handling the treasury? What is going on? Why are they letting it happen?

I can throw a lot of conjecture around, but most of it seems to be greed oriented. I don't care. The best answer I have to fight against what's happening is to use the means that we have to communicate what we can. If you have a way to make phone calls to your Congress people, do that.

If you don't, write emails and engage with them on social media. Let them know that the things they are choosing to do right now have consequences. The things they can't be bothered to oppose will kill people. 

Today I found my congress person and sent them a fairly nasty message, though I think it was well constructed. I then found the sponsor of the bill to terminate the department of education and sent him and even longer and nastier message. 

Use your words to change the world, while you still can. 

How did you fight fascism today?



A working mom/writer/teacher explores her surroundings in Miyagi-ken and Tohoku, enjoying the fun, quirky, and family friendly options the area has to offer.


  • genkidesu

    on Feb 3

    Love this. It's a sad state of affairs, for sure, and I think it's easy to feel helpless...but you make some good points about the things that can be done even from far away. My husband is a citizen so I will remind him of the things he can do!

  • JTsu

    on Feb 18

    @genkidesu Excellent! And thanks! I'm still feeling kind of helpless myself but it's better to try, right?