
Oct 16, 2024

My October Crops

This shouldn't even be happening in October, but thansk to climate change, here are my pitiful little crops for today.

My October Crops photo

I finally got the tomato plants I had as seedlings in summer to make tomatoes, and some just pop off while green unfortunately. Hopefully some of the others will redden and ripen first.

Also behold the last of my strawberries for the year! These are white strawberries, so this tiny guy was ripe yesterday but I avoided picking him then and now he's too squishy.

Oh well.

What do you grow on your Japanese balcony?



A working mom/writer/teacher explores her surroundings in Miyagi-ken and Tohoku, enjoying the fun, quirky, and family friendly options the area has to offer.

1 Comment

  • helloalissa

    on Oct 16

    I plant the green onions that I buy with roots on them so I don't need to buy them as often. Those and parsley are easy, and so good as a garnish on soups or whatever. I also have some sad basil, rosemary and sage. I have dreams of growing dill and shisho next summer. I tried strawberries but they were tiny and not abundant enough to warrant spending time on. It seems like a strange season for strawberries now?