
Sep 6, 2024

Drama at Gotti's

I do not understand the name of this restaurant, but we were desperate and tired when we got here, having finished off a full day of running around at Universal Studios Japan. We came to this place after trying to get in line at two other places and realizing that the line system was a little bit mangled and we really just wanted to sit down and get into some food. 

My husband sees that there's the sign up sheet so he signs our name up. We see that there are two names in front of us. One is the large Japanese family already sitting in front of the restaurant, waiting to go in. The other name isn't in Japanese but is a group of four. 

After we sit to wait, this long white couple comes up and signs up too.

The staff comes out and calls the Japanese name and they the family of five go in. We know that we're next, after a group of four that we haven't seen.

When they call the next name, the late coming white couple charges in and I. Am. Furious.

Drama at Gotti's photo

Our view while I rage.

Luckily, within a few short moments, the waiter calls our name.

I leap up and shout "Yes!" At him.

He is confused and looks to my husband who assures him with a look that I'm not a rabid foreign beast and yes, that is really his last name.

It seems like the waiter asks the white line cutters where the rest of their group is, at which point they seem to forget Japanese if they ever knew it.

I only glared daggers at the jerks for about five minutes before I realized it no longer mattered.

We were finally inside and enjoying our meal and all was well.

My daughter ate almost everything on the plate which is not always what she does. Overall, it was a very enjoyable meal, after which my daughter needed to race off to the bathroom. I went with her and apparently, once we were out of earshot, the waiter came over and asked my husband a million questions about our relationship. 

Now, this might feel too personal to a lot of people especially in Japan but I hearing my husband explain the questions he was asking made us both smile.

Questions like: where did you meet? How did you start dating? How did you wind up here? 

The impression I got was that the Gotti waiter was really asking: how did you acquire a gaijin wife? Can I acquire one too? Teach me, Sensei!

Which I find to be hysterical, partially because my husband is not responsible for our relationship starting. He's part of it, of course and the relationship wouldn't work without him but I asked him out.

Unless his advice is something like this:

"Go back in time, spend puberty in England, get a British accent, come back and find a weirdo."

I just don't know what on Earth he could possibly teach this man, but I digress. I have no idea what my husband responded to the man with, but I found it very amusing that that was the experience that we had.




A working mom/writer/teacher explores her surroundings in Miyagi-ken and Tohoku, enjoying the fun, quirky, and family friendly options the area has to offer.