Nov 1, 2021
How to Get Free Legal Advice in Japan
I recently found myself in need of some legal help, but finding more information from my homeland was not specifically beneficial. Living in Japan means living by the laws of Japan, so when you're facing some kind of legal trouble, where do you turn? Well, it turns out there is an English-speaking legal helpline.
From the Yorisoi Facebook page: A Calendar for November 2021 detailing which foreign languages will be accessible via the free hotline on which days.
For some reason parts of Tohoku that were hit by the 2011 tsunami are given a separate helpline. The helpline is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. most days, but a specific list of which languages are covered when is available on a calendar on their Facebook page. There's also a Facebook Chat option, though my results with it were not promising. I laid out as much of my issue as I could and received no immediate response. A few days later, they messaged back to let me know that a helpline via Facebook chat would be up on the Sunday of that week from 4PM to 10PM. While my matter was minor and I received enough help to make a decision before this, I still think it's wonderful that a free help line exists in chat as well as over the phone.
Yorisoi's facebook page. Call the number and get help.
Instead, I called the helpline but it took some time between my accent and the accent of the person who answered the phone for us both to more fully understand the depths of the problem I have had and what can be done about it. She asked if I could call back after a two-hour break so that she would have a chance to talk to her superior. When I did, I heard more questions which I answered and was told another call back was scheduled for later in the week. Sometimes these things will take some time to sort out, but it is free and accurate legal help.
If your matter can wait a minute and all you are really looking for is some advice, this helpline can be pretty helpful. Honestly just explaining my situation and having the legal assistant ask questions helped me better emotionally deal with the legal problem I was having and put things into perspective.
If you're living in a large city, you may have access to free legal counseling services from the Japanese Bar Association. If not, giving the Yorisoi hotline a call may be helpful. There is also the JLSC or Houterasu which also provides legal assistance specifically for foreigners in Japan.
If you need legal assistance in Japan, don't worry. Help is out there if you know where to find it.