
Aug 22, 2021

Preparing for Your Second Shot

    Getting your inoculations is a pain for most folks, but in the need to overcome the current pandemic most reasonable folks are signing up for their shots as soon as they can. While Japan slowly catches up to other countries in terms of percentage of people finally safe from the coronavirus, those of us who have been waiting all year watching our friends and family abroad get their shots might need a reminder of what we're in for.

    Most people I have heard from agree that the second shot is worse than the first in terms of reactions and that most side-effects disappear within two days. The worst reactions I have heard about are akin to a short burst of flu with fever or food poisoning and all go away much more quickly.

    If you're getting ready for shot number two, here are some things to do beforehand just to make your situation a little easier.

1) Pick a good time. One of my friends opted to get her shot in the evening so that all she would have to do is go home and sleep. When you're picking the time for your vaccination appointment, try to make sure it's a time when you can just go lay down or spend some time in the bathroom a few hours later. Most folks I know had worse reactions on the day after they received their shot, so try to do this on your day off or right before your day off.

2) Deal with Food Before. If you don't already plan your meals, do your best to have this sorted before you go especially if you're the primary caregiver to a child or other loved one. If you have to cook that day or the next, make sure you already have what you need at your home and try to keep things easy. I know I experienced some mental fogginess and benefitted from someone else bringing home dinner.

3) Get Cleaning and Chores Done Before. If there's any cleaning or chore that simply must be done within 48 hours after your shot, do it before you go if at all possible. Trying to vacuum while running to the bathroom isn't a great time for anyone.

    Basically the best idea here is to treat your second shot like the hangover from a wild party and prepare your current life to withstand that for a few days. I know my reaction was a low grade fever and a lot of sleeping, which I could more or less enjoy since I had already made these preparations beforehand.

Preparing for Your Second Shot photo
Here I am moments after my second shot, relieved because I had already made arrangements for the next two days so I was free to sleep, which I did.

Have you been vaccinated yet?



A working mom/writer/teacher explores her surroundings in Miyagi-ken and Tohoku, enjoying the fun, quirky, and family friendly options the area has to offer.


  • TonetoEdo

    on Aug 23

    I just got shot #2 on Friday and the weekend wasn't too bad. I just had to rest a lot. What you said - get your chores and food prep done first! Getting house cleaning and laundry out of the way is really important. You're not supposed to exert yourself after the vaccinations. I did shopping beforehand and made okazu so that I wouldn't have to cook for a day or two. And yeah, fuzzy head. Anything that requires brains ought to be done before vaccination. The vaccine can cause you to be a bit muddled. I sure experienced it.

  • JTsu

    on Aug 24

    @TonetoEdo Congrats on joining they second shot club! I'm glad your reactions weren't too bad and that you could prepare beforehand.