Jun 7, 2019
Japanese Cheetos vs. Western Cheetos
Cheetos has been trying hard to break its way into the Japanese market with effort such as making flavours targeted at the Japanese consumers. However, the corn snack market is not necessarily vast.
As a fan of Cheetos, I find an issue with the Cheetos in Japan. The cheesy cheetos, even with the recent "NEW" and "Double the cheese!" labels, still make it nowhere close to the western Cheetos level! The orange fingers is nowhere nearly as orange as they should be, as one lick would take care of most of the cheesiness.
Not only that, it is also sweeter than usual, and that is quite strange. Therefore, instead of buying the small Cheetos bags, I would recommend you getting the imported Western Cheetos which is commonly available too so you can enjoy the original flavour of this cheesy snack.