
Jan 26, 2021

Lemondou's Newest Flavour

The Coca-Cola produced Lemondou, and their first alcoholic drink, gathered a lot of fans with their sweet lemon chu-hi.

I had stopped drinking it however because I found them to be a bit too sweet.

Their latest offering goes the complete opposite way.

Lemondou's Newest Flavour photo

For 138 yen a can, this "razer lemon" can is very low in sugar. In return, you are also giving up on the sweetness because this can is not sweet at all.

Refreshing, yes, but if you expected the sweet lemondou walking in, you would be surprised.

I need to mention though that this is still easy to drink and does not give any strange aftertaste, which is something the Lemondou is really good at.

This is not really a drink for me but I am sure it will get its own fans.



Games, manga, and ramen. Those three things make up my Tri-force lol.