
Nov 27, 2020

Cheap Drunk: Strong Zero Dry

Foreigners visiting Japan probably know the power of Strong Zeros.

They are the $1 delicious drinks available everywhere that some call "the Gaijin Killer".

I never got into them, so this Dry is actually my first Strong Zero in years.

I expected the Dry to mean that it was not going to be sweet, but I was surprised that it was actually really sweet.

Cheap Drunk: Strong Zero Dry photo

Not only was it sweet, but I could also taste the flavours of lemon, lime and grapefruits from the spirit it used, and it was delicious.

The Strong is definitely not kidding, and this hit me probably harder than me drinking two beers. This honestly rekindled my interest in Strong Zeros again, so expect more on them soon!



Games, manga, and ramen. Those three things make up my Tri-force lol.