
Aug 30, 2020

Supermarket's Award-Winning Chicken Wings

I feel like there are plenty of fried chicken specialty shops that have won some kind of fried chicken award as if the awards are being handed out easily to help each other boost sales, but it was my first time seeing award-winning chicken wings at a supermarket.

Supermarket's Award-Winning Chicken Wings photo

The wings I picked up at Summit were not necessarily cheap, being almost 100 yen per wing.

Immediately I was faced with the downside when I realized that they were cold, and I had to pop them into the toaster oven.

Supermarket's Award-Winning Chicken Wings photo

While hot and crispy, the wings were good but not great. Too peppery but surprisingly not salty enough. It made me question the awards once again.

It is hard to trust supermarket wings. I will go back to izakaya's in the future, as they will at least be served hot.



Games, manga, and ramen. Those three things make up my Tri-force lol.