
Jan 19, 2021

Thoughts on Japan's First Zero Sugar Beer

Kirin caught the attention of many beer-lovers when they came out with the first zero sugar beer in Japan.

There are low-sugar happoshu on the market, but they usually taste quite bad, and there has never been a zero sugar beer before.

Kirin claimed that it tastes the same as their usual beer, and even though it was 180 yen a can, I thought I had to give it a shot.

Thoughts on Japan's First Zero Sugar Beer photo

The result was unfortunately really disappointing. Really, really, disappointing.

It tastes very different from real beer. The richness is missing.

This beer is also only 4% alcoholic, which is something they hid with small text.

I am glad that they gave this a shot, but this was not the nation-changing product many had hoped for.



Games, manga, and ramen. Those three things make up my Tri-force lol.