
Oct 12, 2024

Good Level of Sweetness


Misdo Ichigo Black Thunder

Brand: Mister Donut / Black Thunder

Price: 220 yen

Place of purchase: Mister Donut


The description

A variation of the old fashioned style donut, this version has a strawberry glaze with a layer of chocolate cream hiding under it. Bits of crunchy biscuit pepper the glaze as well.

The good

To my surprise this donut wasn't overbearingly sweet. I usually expect anything strawberry flavoured to burn my esophagus and scorch my tongue, but I guess the dough of the donut and and the crunchy cookie bits of the glaze counteracted that. Speaking of the cookie bits, the inclusion of them gave the donut a great texture variety with each bite. Having a layer of chocolate cream underneath the glaze was an interesting choice as well. It added an appreciable complexity to the whole product, giving the donut a creamy secondary texture and a mellower, savoury flavour.

The not so good

I can only think of a couple of negatives for this. First, it probably has a high calorie count. This isn't a soy bar or anything so it isn't the healthiest thing on the planet. The sugar content is likely to be so high, with the amount of glaze, chocolate, and dough used. Second, it's a Halloween themed donut so it's definitely a seasonal item that will disappear come the end of October. If you're a fan of this donut, savour the time you have with it. Apart from these two very generic cons, I quite like the product and it's one of the donuts I would like to keep having.



I am a former engineer who moved to Japan to learn and teach street dance. Now I have been living in Japan for a few years while teaching English.