
Jun 19, 2024

Prefectural support for international residents

In my first year in Japan, I was a JET Programme participant, hand-held from arrival at Narita Airport by volunteers and officials until my placement in a small city in Ehime Prefecture. The JET Programme brings thousands of foreign people to Japan to serve as Assistant Language Teachers, International Relations Coordinators, and Sports Exchange Advisors. Throughout my year in the program, I was plugged into the municipal hall, volunteer organizations, and fellow JET participants.
Prefectural support for international residents photo

You're somewhere around here. Image, Pixabay

If you’ve come independently, through employment, family relationships, or as a student, where do you go when you need info about emergencies, garbage rules, or just basic life stuff? I recommend starting at the top, with prefectural international centers. You’ll get information in 優しい日本語 yasashii Nihongo, or easy Japanese, and other languages.

The value of international centers

Most municipalities and prefectures have 国際交流会, kokusai koryukai. These are international associations that connect foreign residents to community projects and resources. The scope of the resources varies, but you’re likely to find listings of Japanese language classes, connections to sister city associations, and multilingual living information.

Residents in the Kanto region should have a look at the Tokyo Intercultural Portal Site (TIPS), Ibaraki International Association, and Saitama International Association. Like many international associations, they have multilingual staff who provide free consultations. The topics cover labor issues, insurance, family issues, pension, and insurance among others.

A progressive prefecture, Chiba

I happen to live in Chiba which is home to a large foreign resident population of workers and students. Earlier this month, I told you about participating in a multicultural project as part of my volunteer service as a Chiba Kun Global Partner, a kind of cultural ambassador, making presentations in Chiba’s elementary schools. 

This project connected me with the Chiba Convention Bureau and International Center. The staff are friendly and helpful. The website has a portal listing consultations, including specialties such as legal and housing advice in multiple languages.

Support for Japanese language learners

Like many international center websites, the Chiba Convention Bureau and International Center have a portal that directs you to municipal organizations for Japanese language instruction. I looked up Noda City where I live and discovered that there are low-cost lessons available at times convenient for working people.

Are you satisfied with the services provided by your prefecture’s international association? What services have you used?




Living between the Tone and Edo Rivers in Higashi Katsushika area of Chiba Prefecture.