
Mar 1, 2021

TtoE Fusion salad

TtoE Fusion salad photo

I don't remember where I got the idea to mix these ingredients, but it's now one of my bento box and okazu side dish favorites. It's very simple - chick peas, called ひよこ豆 hiyokomame in Japanese, diced avocado, tomato, and cucumber dressed with dashes of olive oil, ponzu vinegar, shoyu, and pepper.

I know the ingredients result in a decidedly un-Japanese dish. Out of curiosity, I researched the produce in my salad bowl and learned that cucumbers and chickpeas have ancient origins in West and South Asia, while the avocado and tomato were introduced from Mexico and South America to western and eastern cuisine.

So, it's a little mix of east and west on my menu.



Living between the Tone and Edo Rivers in Higashi Katsushika area of Chiba Prefecture.