
Dec 6, 2019

Chiba City’s outdoor skating rink

Chiba City’s outdoor skating rink  photo

Passing through Chiba City’s plaza, I spotted this curious sight. Ice skaters on a wide outdoor rink. How could this be, as it is not cold enough for ice? 

The rink is part of a city project called Yorumachi, providing outdoor activities and events. From November until March 22nd next year, the city center will host this artificial ice rink. The rink surface is made of tightly fitted tiles made of a smooth composite material which is perfect for ice skating. 

Chiba City’s outdoor skating rink  photo

The rink attendant told me that this surface is used by pro skaters, too.

In the evening the rink has dramatic lighting and music. During the day, cute kids wobble around it. 

It looks like a great spot for dates and family outings. 



Living between the Tone and Edo Rivers in Higashi Katsushika area of Chiba Prefecture.