Jul 7, 2024
Cheap ume soda to beat summer heat
Kaori Sowayaka Ume Soda
Brand: Sangaria
Price: 60 yen
Place of purchase: Daiso
The description
Daiso 100 yen shops carry Sangaria brand drinks in 190 g cans. These two drinks are Kaori Sowayaka Ume Soda and Hajikete Oranji Soda. The individual cans are priced at 60 yen.
The good
Daiso 100 yen shops offer a lot of budget-friendly items that make your Japan life easier. Have a look at the food section for cheap and refreshing drinks. I spotted the selection of drinks at my local Daiso. These two drinks, one Kaori Sowayaka Ume Soda and the other Hajikete Orenji Soda come in tiny 190 g cans for a low price. The Ume Soda is made with juice sourced from Kishu plums. This variety from western Honshu is tart and refreshing and makes a great soda. The sparkling orange soda is lovely, too.
The not so good
I have no complaints and recommend this drink. Note that it has a lot of sugar, but you might need that in summer if you lack an appetite. To beat the heat in Japan's brutal summer, you can rehydrate with the tart and sweet plum which stimulates your appetite. These small cans of sweetened and carbonated plum drink are a cheap and fun way to get some more liquids into your body. Fun fact - June 6th is identified as Plum Day because an emperor made an offering of plums at a Kyoto shrine. The drink is nice straight from the chilled can or over ice.