
Jan 28, 2020

Ashitaba tea for tomorrow

Ashitaba tea for tomorrow photo

The variety of bottled and canned products available from vending machines in Japan is amazing. Everything from drinks to soup, hot or cold, can be had for 100 to 160 yen. 

This can in a vending machine at a ferry dock on one of the Izu Islands caught my eye because of the bold kanji characters and leafy illustration. It’s ashitaba tea, brewed from a herb that grows profusely in the southern parts of the Kanto region. The name means “tomorrow leaf”, describing the fast growth of the herb. The tea has a mild flavor, slightly carrot-scented. It’s refreshing cold. 

I haven’t seen this canned tea elsewhere in the Kanto area. It’s something to try when you’re in the Izu region. 



Living between the Tone and Edo Rivers in Higashi Katsushika area of Chiba Prefecture.