
Dec 10, 2019

Graduation suit

My eldest daughter will be graduating from elementary in a few months. That means she will need something to wear to the graduation. If we were in the states, that would likely mean a cute sundress or something nice like Sunday's best. In Japan, it means a skirt and blazer and bow tie. A skirt is not exactly my eldest's style but she wants to fit in just like everyone else so she conformedGraduation suit photo

While ordering her uniform for middle school we saw the store also had a rack of these outfits for rent. Typically they cost around 5000en for the cheapest, 2000 on rental sale is a steal. She would only ever use it once anyway. 

Graduation suit photo
She, unfortunately, had a choice of two colors in a very plain style because she isn't average size. The frilly girly bowtie that came with it was traded in for a short simple necktie. She probably would have bought the tie if she could she likes it so much. Boxy square and boyish was the only option for a blazer in her size and that was fantastic for her taste. I guess only the petite can have a tailored blazer? I would have cried if I was a child growing up in Japan.



American step mom with beautiful Brazilian babies. Raising them in Japan. I'm a crafter too