
Dec 18, 2019

Rum Raisin Chocolate Bar by Country Ma'am

Rum Raisin Chocolate Bar by Country Ma'am photo

Summer is over, so the tapioca craze is waning finally. Now with winter in, I have been wondering what the new it flavor is. After seeing several rum raisin items I am hoping that rum raisin is it! If I can get more rum raisin flavored things I would be thrilled.

This chocolate bar-esk cookie was pretty good.

Rum Raisin Chocolate Bar by Country Ma'am photo

I am not usually a fan of Country Ma'am cookies because I feel they taste undercooked. This didn't yet it was still nice and soft and chewy. I am sure the raisin bit helped with the texture. It also wasn't overly sweet like many of the Country Ma'am cookies. As a small little treat, it is quite good.



American step mom with beautiful Brazilian babies. Raising them in Japan. I'm a crafter too