Apr 12, 2018
The magical little eraser for wall marks
My family recently moved. Technically we are still in the process of it. I've got a key to our old apartment and one to our beautiful new place here in Japan. Exhausted from the move, I still can't slow down yet because the old apartment is really looking old. Both my husband and I have been using all of our spare time to spruce it up so that it looks a little less worn down from our time there, but with the kids and an out of this world mold problem, we have left a pretty big mark. We still want to not have to pay more than our deposit will cover in the repair fees for the place, so we patched the hole in the wall, scrubbed everything, and I mean everything, in the apartment to dim down the mold residue and lastly to remove any markings on the walls made by the kids.
This was a huge task that took an entire day, however, a tiny little tool from 100 yen store, Daiso helped a great deal.
An eraser. Not just any eraser though.
An eraser for discoloration on wallpaper. This little magic eraser is fantastic. Look at that grossness on the wall.
Now look again.
It's not completely gone but the grime has been subdued enough that the room is liveable again.
The eraser did not, unfortunately, get everything off the walls. There is one mark that just wouldn't budge. Who knows what it's from because it was near where my girls kept their school bags. That mark has become part of the wallpaper itself, I think.
Daiso also has these erasers for kitchen sinks, and one for bathroom ceramic/tiles. The bathroom one did help get a bit of the red mold/rusty build up but not enough that I will be keeping what is left of the eraser. And the kitchen one didn't seem to work out the cooked-on burnt bits but it did remove some very sticky adhesive quite beautifully and easily from our stainless steel backdrop.
Scrubbing down the entirety of our tiny apartment, I wore through three-fourths of the wallpaper eraser. It was remarkable how well it removed many of the marks made on our poor walls. This little one hundred yen tool probably saved us from having to pay for all the wallpaper to be replaced.