May 2, 2020
Clear liquid bandage
So back in March when our little town had its first case of the new coronavirus, I cut my finger. This caused me to go into a full blown panic. Not a panic attack, because that's different but actual fear and dread for my situation.
The coronavirus diagnosis was of a doctor at our nearby clinic and several of the staff. I did NOT want to have to sit in a closed-off waiting room of any medical facility.
The cut on my finger was not a tiny cut. While washing dishes my hand slipped and I sliced a gouge deep enough to see more fleshy bits than I ever needed to see in my body. My first thought was that it needed stitching. I was very lucky however. First off, my husband was there to calm me down long enough to get me to aid my wound. I had already washed it since I had been at the sink when I cut myself, and then clamped my other hand down to keep pressure on the wound. After my husband got me calm enough, we were able to look at it and see if I would really be needing stitches or if home care would do.
Another reason I was so lucky was because the slice was so straight and clean, the pressure I applied meant that I wasn't bleeding much. I could tell that if I allowed my body enough time, it would stick itself together. What I needed was time. I also needed my hands and the ability to wash them in order to go out anywhere. More panic bubbled up but there was hubby to save the day again. He suggested a clear bandage.
He went out and bought it for me while I took some deep breathes and assessed my situation. The cut was in a spot where if I kept my finger straight, the skin would hold itself together enough to not bleed, but if I bent my finger slightly it would stretch the skin and I would have to reapply pressure to make it stop bleeding. I wasn't sure if what my husband brought home would be good enough to bandage my wound, but it did the trick. As long as I didn't move my finger.
It is meant for small cuts or cracking from dryness. I was reminded of doctoring football players as an aid with super glue while I was in high school. The liquid bandage sort of glued my skin. I decided to call it a day on any cleaning, wrapped my finger so I couldn't bend it and rest. The next morning I had a bit more movement, so I could make breakfast and whatnot.
This liquid bandage really came in handy over the next week. I made sure to top it off before heading out because it had a tendency to crack after a days use, but it certainly
seemed airtight and waterproof them umpteen million times I washed my hands.
My hand is now healed and I will have a scar but that's ok.