
Jul 8, 2020

My secret hack to wearing a mask in the heat and humidity

After living in Japan for quite some time now, masks aren't anything new to me - I always pop them on when I’m sick, to try and make sure that I’m not spreading my germs to others. I usually end up with colds during the change of seasons from autumn to winter, so I never really thought about how much of a pain in the behind it can be to wear them when it's hot and sticky outside.

In saying that, I truly believe it's important to pop your mask on and make sure you're doing your bit to protect others, and I’ve been doing that religiously...but how does one make it bearable to wear a mask during the sweaty, humid season? Well, I've got a little secret tip that's helped me - we've already had days in excess of 30 degrees Celsius in Niigata, so it's required some inventive thinking. The magic ingredient that makes masks manageable for me? Mint oil! Just one drop on my mask makes me feel like I'm breathing in cool, fresh air, even when it feels like a swamp outside.

My secret hack to wearing a mask in the heat and humidity photo

Swamp air no more: mint oil has helped me with my summertime mask wearing!

I know what you may well be thinking - does this have any real benefit, or is it just a placebo? Well, the benefits of peppermint oil for assisting with breathing are backed up by research, so I’m going to say it’s not pseudoscience at all! This particular research study noted that the inhalation of peppermint oil increases nasal air capacity, and as a result supplies more air into the lungs. It also mentioned that in tests of lung function, subjects who had inhaled peppermint oil performed better than those who hadn’t. I’m pretty happy with those odds!

Aside from the scientifically backed research that says mint oil is a winner for breathing, there are other reasons why it’s useful - one of which is that it just smells good. Still having to catch public transport and a passenger on board forgot their deodorant? Mint oil on your mask to the rescue! Got a family member who loves their natto? Just breathe in your mint oil, and you won’t need to worry about the smell. It’s also really soothing for headaches, so if you’re like me and you get migraines from time to time, breathing it in can help to lessen the symptoms of those - or you can even try dabbing some on your temples. Added benefits all around! 

I know that it can seem like a pain having to wear a mask when it’s stifling outside, but it really is something that can be hugely beneficial to the health of others. I hope that if you’re struggling with wearing your mask in the heat, that this little mint oil tip helps you too.

The mint oil I purchased is available on Amazon Japan here, but you may be able to find it at your local drug store.

How are you managing wearing your mask with the heat, humidity, and lack of A/C during Japan's summer season?



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).


  • Kobakko

    on Jul 8

    I'm using Japanese mint oil (it's called hakka-abura in Japanese), too. If you mix it with water and a little alcohol, it is great as a room spray, too. As a room spray, it also works as a natural pest repellent. Be careful with the dosage if you have a baby or pets, though.

  • TonetoEdo

    on Jul 8

    I find that washing them takes away the clinical smell. I sometimes spray them with alcohol to kill germs and smells, and I use aromatherapy oil, sparingly, on them, and douse my hankies more liberally and hold them to my mask when I’m feeling tired or stressed. I get my aroma oil at Escents. One location of this Canadian aromatherapy shop is in the Kashiwa area, but there are others. https://www.city-cost.com/reviews/MY46x-Escents_Lifestyle_Hobbies_Nagareyama_shi?vid=1