
Dec 12, 2023

The kanji of the year is 税 (Tax)

Does anyone else follow the updates for the kanji of the year? The 2023 kanji was announced today, and it was 税 (tax). The choice of kanji was said to be as a result of debates throughout the year on tax hikes and tax cuts.

The kanji of the year is 税 (Tax) photo

Pic Credit: Nick Youngson/CC By SA 3.0

Other popular online predictions for the kanji of the year that didn't ultimately make the cut were 暑 (heat), 高 (high), and 虎 (tiger) thanks to the Hanshin Tigers victory.

I personally think 高 would've been my choice, because the prices of everything have been rising!

Do you have any thoughts on the kanji of the year? Are there any kanji you think would have been more appropriate to encapsulate the vibe of 2023?



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).