
Jan 27, 2025

Is countryside living a dead end for youth?

Having lived in rural Japan for a number of years now, I'm a big advocate for small town living and the benefits of countryside life. If you're fortunate enough to be able to work remotely, it can be a huge cost-saver living in the inaka, but those opportunities aren't everywhere.

Research among teens in both urban and rural areas here was an eye opener about how young people feel about their future prospects based on where they live. Measures about whether their local area was comfortable and fulfilling were fairly balanced, but the stark difference came in the section where respondents were asked about whether or not they felt like they had a wide range of prospects for the future.

Is countryside living a dead end for youth? photo

It seems like for a lot of countryside youth, living in the inaka can feel like a road to nowhere. 

About 80% of urban respondents had positive answers to that question, but under 40% of those in outer regional areas did. It certainly makes me think more about ways that the government could try and boost opportunities for rural areas -- obviously if they're wanting to see more people living outside built up cities like Tokyo there has to be some incentive to do so. 

If you have teens, how do they feel about things like job prospects in the area you live in Japan?



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).