Jan 4, 2025
7000 yen weekly food budget for an adult and two kids - could you do it?
I saw an article via The Mainichi this morning over breakfast, and it focused on a Tokyo-based single mom of two trying to get by in the current cost of living crisis. It honestly broke my heart to read, as the article mentioned the struggles she was having – with one of her children just hitting junior high and going through that ravenous eating growth spurt phase, she seemed to be really doing it tough.
The article mentioned she has a weekly budget of 7000 yen to feed all of them, and that she bulks things up by using inexpensive food items like bean sprouts that add bulk on a budget. The mother was diagnosed with anemia earlier in the year and obviously it's probably diet related, but like most moms would do, she prioritizes making sure her kids are fed and her own nutrition sounds like it has fallen to the wayside a bit.
Even in season, a bag of mikan is almost 500 yen -- my kids would demolish these in a couple of days.
It really makes me said that single parent households are struggling so much, and made me think about whether or not you think a 7000 yen per week grocery budget would be doable for you. I have a 10 and 7 year old, plus my husband and I, and there is no way that we'd be able to scrape by on that without being extremely undernourished. I spend over 1000 yen just on my yogurt for the week for breakfasts, which certainly put this single mom's struggles into perspective for me.
Do you think a 7000 yen per week grocery budget for an adult and two children is doable in this economy? Have you had to come up with any "life hacks" like bulking meals with bean sprouts to provide more volume?