
Apr 21, 2024

Quick to prepare soup curry


Soup Curry Base

Brand: Kaldi Coffee Farm

Price: 270 yen

Place of purchase: Kaldi Coffee Farm


The description

This product is a packet of soup curry base (you add your own vegetables + water + protein of choice, if desired). I got it from Kaldi Coffee Farm and it was 270 yen including tax.

The good

If you enjoy soup curry and want an easy way to replicate it at home, this soup curry base from Kaldi Coffee Farm is a nice product to try. Basically, all you need to do is add water, your vegetables of choice, and a protein (if desired), and simmer everything for a complete and filling meal. The mix contains 17 types of spices, so it has a really good depth of flavor. I like that it's an easy to customize meal -- pick the veggies you like, add meat or keep it meat-free -- it's basically a sure-fire way to have a meal you enjoy.

The not so good

The recommended serving size for each packet is 2 people, so if you have a larger family (or just want to make enough for seconds or leftovers!) then you'll have to purchase several packets. When you add in the cost of veggies and protein, then it's not all that economical. There is also quite a spicy kick to this -- it's not bad for adults, IMO, but if you have kids who don't like spice I wouldn't suggest it as a family meal. My kids do like spicy things, though, so it was fine for us. Worth trying at least once if you're a soup curry fan, though, to see if you like it.