
Jan 11, 2025

Watch out for the flu!

Saw an article this morning via the Japan Times, and it was looking at the incidences of flu in the past few weeks. The last week of December was record-setting (and not in a good way), with an average of 64.39 patients seen for flu at medical clinics — that's the highest rate of flu since 1999, which is when the Ministry of Health started compiling records. 

Watch out for the flu! photo

Image created via Canva

The record rates are also three times the flu rate from the same period the previous year, so it's quite the jump. 

Thankfully my household hasn't (yet!) shown any signs of sickness, but it's a reminder for me that laying low for the coming weeks might be a good idea. As much as possible, anyway! We did get the flu vaccine but I know that there are multiple strains of it, so immunization isn't a guarantee we won't get sick.

Have you been able to outrun the flu, or have you/your family/friends/coworkers already succumbed to it? Did you get the flu vaccine this year?



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).