Jun 5, 2022
Delicious, would buy again
Chocolate cheesecake
Brand: Famima Sweets
Price: 248 yen
Place of purchase: Family Mart
The description
This product is a chocolate cheesecake from Family Mart, which has three distinct layers -- a chocolate crumb topping, a mousse- textured cheesecake middle, and a chocolate cheesecake bottom. It was priced at 248 yen including tax.
The good
If you like cheesecake, I recommend giving this a try. I thought that it was a really nicely presented dessert, and I particularly liked the look of the three distinct layers -- it made it feel a little different than usual cheesecakes. I think the cookie crumb texture on the top added a nice bit of crunch to the dessert. I'm personally a fan of cheesecakes that have a bit of texture to them like this, so I give that a thumbs up. It's also only 207 calories for the entire thing, which I thought was surprisingly low -- it feels much more indulgent than that!
The not so good
Something to keep in mind with this dessert is that it can be messy if you open it without thinking the cookie crumbs will fly everywhere. Inside the plastic wrapper, the cheesecake is held in a little cardboard case, and I can understand why they did that...otherwise it would end up making a massive mess. Definitely recommend opening the product with caution! Other than that, I really don't have much to complain about with this product. It appealed to my favorite flavors and I'm a big cheesecake fan so I enjoyed this a lot. If you also like cheesecake I recommend popping in to your nearest Family Mart to see if it's available!