
Jan 23, 2022

Tasty custard and strawberry combo - just be careful of the ooze-factor!


Lawson Strawberry and Custard Cream Sandwich

Brand: Lawson

Price: 395 yen

Place of purchase: Lawson


The description

This product is a strawberry and custard cream sandwich, which is a limited-time product available at Lawson convenience stores. It was priced at 395 yen including tax.

The good

I saw this at Lawson this weekend and had to get it as a comparison to the Family Mart strawberry sandwich I recently tried. This one definitely focuses more on the custard as opposed to whipped cream, but I liked that better. The sweetness of the custard paired well with the fresh berries, and it was easy to just have half for a snack and another half later. I also think that for a custard-filled sandwich, the presentation was also quite nice. It is a little squishier than its more whipped-cream focused counterpart from Family Mart, but it still looks nice when you take it out of the packaging.

The not so good

One thing worth noting about this sandwich when compared to the Family Mart one is because this one favors custard over whipped cream, it was significantly oozier – I had to be more careful when eating it that I didn't end up with globs of filling all over my sweatshirt. Bear that in mind if you give it a try and don't squeeze it too tightly! The purchase price is also higher than other bread-based convenience store snacks at the moment, but do keep in mind you can easily have the product as two separate snacks. When you think of it that way, the value for money aspect isn't bad!



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).