
Feb 21, 2023

Simple, vegetarian friendly onigiri


Spicy mustard greens onigiri

Brand: Family Mart

Price: 125 yen

Place of purchase: Family Mart


The description

This product is a spicy mustard greens onigiri (vegetarian friendly), which was purchased from my local Family Mart store. It was priced at 125 yen (including tax).

The good

This onigiri option is a good choice if you are vegetarian or know someone who is, because all it contains is the spicy stir fried mustard greens filling, plus the rice and the nori wrapping. Even though I'm not vegetarian and do eat meat, I found this onigiri to be full of flavor, and was surprised with how much I liked the spicy mustard greens -- they really packed a punch! The price is really economical as well, at only 125 yen including tax. It makes for a budget friendly snack, especially if you're on the go and need something quick to eat.

The not so good

Because the filling only contains mustard greens, this onigiri didn't hold me over as well as ones that contain higher protein fillings such as chicken or salmon. I still enjoyed it, but it's just something to keep in mind if you're looking for the most bang for your buck when it comes to staying fuller for longer. Other than that, this is a nice vegetarian friendly option, and a good way of getting in some healthy veggies that are still full of flavor. I wouldn't say it's my favorite onigiri that I've tried, but it did feel very healthful which was nice!



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).