
Nov 30, 2017

Japan’s impressive school lunches

Our eldest child has been attending preschool here for a couple of months now, and one of the standout things I noticed as a parent was just how impressive Japan’s school lunch system is. We get a menu of the lunches served in advance - here’s what’s on for December!

Japan’s impressive school lunches photo

Japan’s school lunches are often touted as a model for other countries to follow, and you can see why! Grilled salmon, pork and tofu, miso soup, pickled veggies - all full of healthy goodness! I am interested to know how the natto component works with the kids though...gotta start them on it young, I’m guessing!



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).


  • edthethe

    on Nov 30

    your school gives the menu in english? im surprised! maybe ill do a post about how the lunch menu is presented for my girls in elementary school. its the same as the menu for the middle school i worked

  • genkidesu

    on Nov 30

    @edthethe yes! it’s awesome actually, because we live nearby to an international university (where my husband is studying) there are a lot of foreigners from all over where the parents don’t speak Japanese. It’s super helpful! Please post yours too! I love glimpses into life here in Japan!