Mar 22, 2025
Humidifier cleaning tips before storage
As we start to hit the time of year where humidifiers get popped back in a closet, this is a reminder that it's important to clean them before putting them in storage! Proper maintenance helps to prevent bad smells and bacteria, and also makes sure your humidifier will work properly when you need it next.
Image created via Canva
It's pretty straightforward for most models. If there are any detachable parts, take them off and wash them thoroughly. Make sure that you dry each piece completely before you put everything back together, otherwise you run the risk of bacteria growth. A wipe down of any non-removable parts with a microfiber cloth also helps get rid of dust or moisture.
Limescale is another issue that often happens with humidifiers because of mineral deposits from tap water, but thankfully that's a pretty easy fix. If you mix two or three tablespoons of citric acid powder (you can get it inexpensively from Daiso) with your standard humidifier water content and let it run for about 45 minutes, the limescale should be gone. If there's any still hanging around, you can gently scrub it with a soft sponge. Discard the water and, as mentioned above for the regular cleaning process, make sure everything is dried before you put it all away.
Have you packed up your humidifiers for the year, or is it not quite spring-feeling yet in your part of Japan?