Jan 24, 2025
Add it to the list: petrol prices hit 17 month high
If you have a vehicle in Japan, you're probably acutely aware of petrol prices and how they impact your household budget. At this time of year we are fairly reliant on a car because of the snowy conditions, and unfortunately, petrol prices hit a 17 month high earlier this week—just over 185 yen per liter.
One solution to cut costs is to obviously try and limit how much you drive, and depending on where you live in Japan that can be more feasible than in other areas. During my first year in Japan we lived in Tokyo and didn't have a car, because we lived just three minutes on foot from a train station. When we moved to the outer suburbs of Tokyo (and later, to rural Niigata) we got a car, and have had one since.
A lot of stuff is walkable out here in the countryside, but certain times of year (summer and winter) make it a bit miserable to do so. It's hard to avoid driving as a result.
Out here in snow country a car is often a necessity -- but it still comes with some pitfalls ;)
If you drive, have you been noticing the cost of petrol having an impact on your budget? Are you endeavoring to walk/cycle/catch public transport more to try and combat this?
on Jan 24
I am very lucky that my husband's company pays for our petrol, so I am not as aware of the petrol costs as I should be. I do try and cycle as much as possible, more for health and ecological reasons to be honest, but as you say, its not always easy to avoid driving.
on Jan 25
@BigfamJapan that is such a nice perk from a job, I would love that! I try to walk/cycle where possible too but yes, at certain times of year it's miserable or impossible to do so!