Feb 1, 2025

Soybeans or peanuts?

Since it's Setsubun tomorrow, I was wondering about what's thrown to ward off "demons" in your local area. I know that when I lived in Tokyo it was roasted soybeans, but out here in Niigata's snow country it's more common to throw peanuts. 

Soybeans or peanuts? photo

Bags of peanuts at a local supermarket

Apparently, in snowy regions it's more common to go the peanuts route—more than 70% of regions in Hokuriku and Tohoku use peanuts, with that ballooning out to over 90% in Hokkaido. The logic comes down to peanuts being easier to pick up, and since the shells are still on there's a hygienic element as well.

I'm curious about your part of Japan—are you a soybeans region or a peanuts region? Let me know in the comments! 



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).


  • Centaur1975

    on Feb 4

    Yey! Where are peanuts grown in Japan?

  • helloalissa

    on Feb 4

    This is funny because peanuts are legumes, not beans. Here (Osaka) it's the snacky dried soybeans. I verified same in Chiba, which is one place in Japan that peanuts are commonly grown. It's not even peanut season...

  • genkidesu

    on Feb 5

    @helloalissa I also found it unusual! I didn't know that Chiba was a peanut growing region, but the fact they don't use them is interesting. I guess maybe it's just a snowy region thing! @Centaur1975 Chiba is apparently somewhere they grow! I learned something new today as well :)